SSB World is no longer an active site and user content creations are no longer supported. Thanks for all of your contributions over the years.

About SSB World

SSB World is a community-driven database for Sm4sh. Our goal is to build the largest library of Smash 4 videos and players in order to help you advance your character skills, matchup knowledge and opponent knowledge. We want to help you get better at Sm4sh.

What Makes SSB World Better than YouTube Search?

All of our videos are fully tagged, recording the Players, Stages, Characters and Winners for each game in a set. This gives us the ability to find matchups that YouTube search often doesn't turn up. Want to watch Diddy Kong vs Sheik on Duck Hunt? No problem, videos are just a few clicks away. In addition to that, we can create aggregate statistics for the data we collect.

What Types of Videos are on SSB World?

We only allow competitive tournament matches of SSB4 Singles Sets. YouTube is full of low quality matches and For Glory battles. Our site keeps the quality high.

Any Tips for Beating Marth with Greninja?

Have you ever encountered a matchup based question like this? Our site hopes to help people answer that question by providing people with easy to navigate video matchups.

Does Anyone Know Who X is in My Pool?

Use our Player Database to search Competitive SSB Players and find videos of the players in your pool as well as data on what characters they use most frequently.

Who Are Some Good Dark Pit Mains?

As we build more data, we'll be able to share the top players who use characters for over 50% (75%, 90%, etc) of their tournament matches. A list of Top Player mains for every character, that dynamically adjusts as new data comes in.

Is SSB World the Best Sm4sh Data Source?

No. All of the data presented on our site is entirely based on Sm4sh VODs from tournaments that are uploaded to our site. We will never be perfect for player records nor do intend on replacing any existing Smash datasets, rankings or sites. We hope to complement those sites by delivering some unique stats such as "Who wins more on Dream Land 64 between Mario and Cloud" with some actual data driven numbers.

The more videos that get added to our site, the more reliable statistical insights the community will be able to get.

  • Who usually wins between R.O.B. and Bowser Jr.?
  • Which character has the best win percentage on Final Destination?
  • What stages do my bracket opponents have the lowest winning percentage on?
  • Which one of my secondary characters has the best win percentage against Bayonetta?
  • The options are limitless.

Why Create an Account?

Creating an account unlocks the following core features of the site:

  • Claim and edit an existing player profile or create a new player profile
  • Add new matchup videos

What Can You Do with a Profile Page?

  • Promote your other profiles (Twitch, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, etc)
  • Give us age and location data so we can begin to compile stats on region vs region or age brackets as well as Smash player maps.
  • Add tournament videos to your profile to improve your profile record and SSB World standing
  • A clean, professional profile page to help you get better visibility as a Smasher

Why Should I Contribute to SSB World?

  • Love for Smash Data: We're hoping that you love competitive Smash as much as we do and you are excited about building a player+video database with some really interesting statistical potential. Moving from 2,500 sets to 15,000 sets is when the numbers will start to becoming interesting and statistically significant. Help us get there.
  • More Video Views: Putting your videos or your favorite creators on SSB World can lead to more video views and ad revenue for the videos.
  • Promote Your Local Scene: Feel like your local Smash scene is under-represented? Here is your chance to showcase all of the players and videos from your local tournaments and build greater exposure for your scene.
  • Promote Yourself: If you are looking to get sponsored, become a recognized content contributor or a popular main for your character, this can help.

What Videos Should You Add to SSB World?

As long as the videos are full tournament sets that you consider high-level play, we would be excited to have them on our site. Here are some ideas for what types of videos YOU should upload.

  • Top level tournament play, your all-time favorite sets
  • Recent tournament videos from your local weekly or monthly
  • Tournament videos featuring you
  • Tournament videos featuring your favorite players
  • Tournament videos featuring your mains, secondaries or pocket characters
  • Hard to find matchups that are under-represented on the site
  • Videos from your favorite tournament streamers to help them get more views
  • Videos where your least favorite player loses

How Can I Help SSB World?

  • Create an Account or Claim Your Existing Player Profile and fill it out fully
  • Add videos regularly. See the types of videos you should add above
  • Link to your SSB Profile in your Twitter bio
  • Share the site (on FB, Reddit, Twitter, etc) with people looking for matchup knowledge, videos with high level play or player knowledge

Got This Far & Want to Contribute Further?

We are looking for support moderators for every SSB4 character. Your job would be to make sure that videos are added regularly to continue to round out your characters matchup database and to in the future potentially help create content as advised (seek out matchup tips, begin character guides, curate resources, etc). A chance to build exposure for your personal brand and SSB Profile. A chance showcase your Sm4sh content creation & moderation skills to help you advance in gaming media and the Smash scene. Interested, contact FGO Loco at [email protected]

Questions, Feature Requests or Ideas? Report a bug?

Contact FGO LOCO at [email protected].

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Community driven database of Smash videos and statistics for players, characters & matchups
Community driven database for competitive Smash