Something in Ultimate for TO's to consider regarding the usage of Pro Controllers in Doubles

Basically the problem is that the switch only has 3 usb ports. So, you have a double match with more than 2 pro controllers. What do you do?
Obviously, at 2 pro controllers, even the rare player that likes rumble would probably opt to remove the gray plug on the gamecube adapter that only adds extra power for rumble to work. But then at 3 pro controller players, or 4, the switch only has 3 total usb ports, meaning one player in either of those situations, one player will have to play wireless. At home, or even locals this should be no issue, but i'm sure many pro controller players have experienced wireless interference issues at majors (A friend of mine had issues midset due to this at frostbite), and know the problem of playing wireless. The situation is somewhat improved by most of the pro controller players being wired, however wireless interference comes less from other controllers, and more from people smartphones, watches, wireless headphones, etc.
The solution that was come up with when this was brought up in my local discord was for pro controller players to be expected to have a little USB hub on them, and possibly for TO's to be able to provide, or have hubs default on setups, *only if they deside to on their own accord*. Although that would be something that a new player would be likely unaware of, it only takes one of 3/4 players to actually have a hub on them for this to work.
If the Wii U only had 3 usb ports, this likely would have been considered a non-issue due to playing with a pro controller being not unheard of, but close. However, with a likely bigger influx of new players, and seeming better interest among current players of possibly switching to the pro controller, this is likely to be a situation that may possibly occur every now and then.
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