How I Got Into Super Smash Bros

What's up everybody, I'm Chemistry. I'm 19 years old and upload recorded matches for The College of New Jersey's Smash group, Lions Smash. I main Corrin and I'm trying to pick up Cloud. I'm listed as a notable Corrin on this site but that's nowhere near true lol, I'm actually pretty bad. I'm just trying to improve and be the best player I can be though. For my first post on this site I'd like to explain how I got into Smash Bros and how my Smash 4 career has been so far.
I played Brawl super casually when I was 10 or so and had no idea people played it competitively. I usually played Pikachu but I only played with items on against level 3 CPUs. I basically mashed buttons because I didn't know how to actually play. When I heard there was going to be a new Smash Bros game for Wii U and 3DS I decided I was going to learn how to play it competitively. I played Greninja for the first month or so after release, and I tried out a few other characters before eventually settling on Villager as my main since I had fun with him in the demo and I liked his moveset.
I tried my hardest to do well with Villager and learn all the fundamentals of the game but after about a year of consistently getting destroyed I got fed up and decided to drop him for Corrin, who was my secondary/pocket at the time. It wasn't until about half a year of playing Corrin that I started to actually understand how the game should be played.
Now that I've played Corrin for a year and I'm still not doing that well despite improving significantly, I'm getting bored and I've decided to pick up Cloud as a secondary. I've tried him out and he's pretty fun to play. I still have a lot to learn if I want to be good with him though.
And that's my Smash story. I'm interested in seeing how you guys got into Smash, so comment your own Smash stories below. Thanks for reading, and I look forward to creating more blog posts. See you next time!
This blog post was written by a SSB World community member. Share your Smash 4 knowledge by creating your own blog post now.
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