Chrom vs Roy
There are 19 games that feature Chrom vs Roy in the SSB World database. Chrom wins 68.42% of the games in this matchup. Roy wins this matchup 31.58% of the time.
Matchup Tips
Neutral (0)
There are no Neutral tips yet.
Getting off the ledge (0)
There are no Getting off the ledge tips yet.
Recovering (3)
Roy's Up-B has been buffed from Sm4sh. It now has even better horizontal distance and it goes a little higher than it did in its predecessor. Also, while using this attack you maintain all of your momentum.

Landing (0)
There are no Landing tips yet.
Ledge trapping (0)
There are no Ledge trapping tips yet.
Edgeguarding (0)
There are no Edgeguarding tips yet.
Juggling (0)
There are no Juggling tips yet.
Misc. notes (0)
There are no Misc. notes tips yet.
Stage choice (0)
There are no Stage choice tips yet.