Cloud vs Rosalina & Luma
There are 581 games that feature Cloud vs Rosalina & Luma in the SSB World database. Cloud wins 51.12% of the games in this matchup. Rosalina & Luma wins this matchup 48.88% of the time.
Matchup Tips
Neutral (1)
Rosalina & Luma
As Rosalina, you want to space at a distance close enough where the Cloud player isn't comfortable charging limit, but far enough where you can react to dash attack, down tilt, and dash -> cross slash. If the Cloud is inactive, you can begin to walk Luma forward with jabs to elicit a response. From here you can punish all grounded options on block or whiff. Aerial options often need to be anticipated. If Luma is walked forward, you can catch Cloud's jumps with a retreating up air. Otherwise, you will need to either find a power shield for the back air or micro-space outside the range to have a chance at punishing. Full hop downair can pivot grabbed or directly challenged with uptilt.

Getting off the ledge (1)
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Rosalina & Luma
This is a very difficult position for Rosalina to maneuver out of, and regardless of your decision, there is a chance you get hit or die. If the Cloud player is pressing a lot of buttons, your best bet is to try to time a regular getup in between attacks or movements. If the Cloud is waiting for you, then the hardest option for the Cloud to react to will be getup jump. Getup roll is reactable and likely to get punished. Aggressive getup options can be used for their surprise factor but are also heavily punishable.
Even after a successful regular getup or getup jump, you need to negotiate your way back closer to center stage. If grounded, try to claim any space possible between backair patterns. If airborne, use any available platforms to disguise your landing options. You will need to guess what Cloud is looking for and play conservatively with your jump/attack/dodge resources.
Even after a successful regular getup or getup jump, you need to negotiate your way back closer to center stage. If grounded, try to claim any space possible between backair patterns. If airborne, use any available platforms to disguise your landing options. You will need to guess what Cloud is looking for and play conservatively with your jump/attack/dodge resources.

Recovering (1)
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Rosalina & Luma
To avoid getting 2 framed, double jump to the edge whenever possible. If Cloud chases offstage, you can use up b to outmaneuver him and land on-stage, but most of the time they will wait at the edge and look for a downtilt, or hang on the edge and look for a downair spike. The moment you have to commit with up b, the ball is in Cloud's court to time the punish properly.

Landing (1)
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Rosalina & Luma
Land away from Cloud whenever possible. It is difficult to challenge him outright as his attacks will clank with Luma and Rosa down air is normally negative on hit. You can airdodge past Cloud if he over commits, otherwise airdodging will not often help.

Ledge trapping (1)
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Rosalina & Luma
Make sure that Rosalina is not in range to get hit by double jump upair, otherwise edgetrapping Cloud is fairly standard. Walk Luma forward and react to his getup option and punish accordingly. Prioritize hitting Cloud back offstage.

Edgeguarding (1)
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Rosalina & Luma
If Cloud has limit, prioritize forcing him to burn it in order to recover. Do not let Cloud drift to edge or back onstage without having to expend this resource. While Rosalina has very strong offstage options,going deep for an edgeguard and not succeeding will leave her in a very disadvantaged position. Unless Cloud has very few or no mixups remaining, ensure that you will still have stage control even if your initial edgeguard attempt does not succeed.

Juggling (0)
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Misc. notes (0)
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Stage choice (1)
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Rosalina & Luma
I prioritize stage length in this matchup, so Luma can survive longer. I dislike Smashville because the platform helps Cloud recover, get off the edge, or charge limit for free. Town platforms can be an issue as well, but Rosalina benefits from the stage length.

Luma (0)
There are no Luma tips yet.