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Luigi vs Villager

There are 68 games that feature Luigi vs Villager in the SSB World database. Luigi wins 51.47% of the games in this matchup. Villager wins this matchup 48.53% of the time.

Matchup Tips

Neutral (0)

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Getting off the ledge (0)

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Recovering (0)

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Ledge trapping (1)


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This is one of Luigi’s weaker positions. Luigi has decent but not great ledge options, but our ledge trap options completely shut down Luigi’s ledge options. Make use of Tree to cover ledge jump, attack, and neutral getup, and you punish ledge roll yourself using your choice of Bowling Ball (Low Risk, High Reward, but committal), Axe (Fast, can B-Reverse to cut Tree or cover Ledge roll but won’t kill as early as Bowling Ball), or Up Tilt (Covers Ledge roll extremely well, however doesn’t kill until higher percents). [IMPORTANT] when Ledge trapping with Tree, POSITION IT!!! If you plant tree too close to the lip of the ledge the opponent will be able to ledge attack and neutral getup out of it easier, if you plant it too far from the lip of the ledge the opponent will be able to ledge jump out of it easier. Since being at ledge can be enough to force a panic option out of Luigi at ledge, it isn’t a bad idea to start punishing those without Tree if it’s too late to plant one. I.E. punishing neutral getup with Bowling Ball, Ledge roll with Up Smash, or ledge jump with Back Air/Up Air.
Pokelam - September 25, 2018

Edgeguarding (1)


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Luigi is really vulnerable offstage. Gimp Luigi using Slingshot, Nair, and Dair. Time your edgeguarding moves to make sure you don’t get clipped by Luigi Up B or any of his other recovery moves. Be wary of Luigi’s recovery options being Cyclone and the potential misfire, Villager’s edgeguard options cover these but getting hit by either of these can put Luigi out of Disadvantage. Bowling Ball is also really good for catching Luigi if he starts to charge Side B towards the ledge. Slingshot also works wonders v.s Luigi Missile as it will clash with it and Luigi will go nowhere. Luigi’s only real ways out of this is to conserve Cyclone until he NEEDS to use it. Villager can easily beat this out with Dair, Bowling Ball, or Tree (If you land the hitbox on his head, if it hits his arms during Cyclone the Tree will clash with it).
Pokelam - September 25, 2018

Juggling (1)


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Luigi is really bad once he’s in the air. He has really subpar landing options which Villager can take advantage of. Up Air juggles will rack up a lot of damage as it outspaces most of Luigi’s committal/subpar landing options such as Cyclone, Dair, and Nair. Reading airdodges is key to keeping him in the air as well, try not to go for Up Airs right away. Delaying the Up Airs will give you time to react to airdodges as well as not let Luigi reach the ground easily. Also make sure to space your Up Airs so that they don’t trade/miss with Nair.
Pokelam - September 25, 2018

Misc. notes (0)

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Stage choice (0)

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