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Juggling Tips for Ness vs Pikachu

See all Ness vs Pikachu Tips


Most Pika's will try to be patient or use Down-B to keep you in the air. Use PK Magnet to get Down-B out of the way, then airdodge to the stage since most Pika's will try to bait you an Up-Air if you get past their Thunder
Diego - April 25, 2019


-Ness can land with Nair, Bair, Up Air and stall with PKT and PSI Magnet. the secret to keep him juggled is to be patient. Wait for airdodge, whiff punish or shield his landing aerials. Pikachu Up-Air is disjointed and you can challenge him, but Ness can easily airdodge that and then up air you, if you try to catch him mid-air, remember to drift away from him if you missed the hit.
RAWR! - September 15, 2018
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