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Wood Blog Posts

Smash ultimate - Ridley In Depth Analaysis (frame data, moveset, etc.)

If you had any questions about Ridley in Smash Ultimate this should answer them until release! Will Ridley be viable? I am not qualified to answer that. I just deal with the facts...

Top Ten Moves on Bottom 10 Characters

Giving some recognition to the characters that deserve it these days in the meta. Did your pick make the list? Find out. Enjoy the video.  twitter: @THEWoodmasta  ...

Analyzing a Terminally Ill Meta

With the recent events of Frostbite 2018 over and ZeRo retiring, it seems what was once thought to be the "Year of Smash 4" (especially with the surprising involvement of Nintendo ...

Game and Watch Bucket Guide: Competitive Tricks and Counterplay

Hello there. You may or may not have seen my previous guide on "The Ins and Outs of G&W bucket". That guide and video was mostly about how the move actually worked. This guide...

The Ins-and-Outs of Game and Watch Bucket

I think there is some confusion about G&W bucket that needs to be addressed since no commentators seem to know how it works. Bucket has it's own KBG and BKB stats, it does NOT...

Unfazed: A Thorough Guide on Armor, Intangibility, and Invincibility.

         When I watch vods, I often hear commentators use the terms "Super Armor" or "invinciblity" pretty haphazardly during matches. Sure, these traits a...

A Quick Rundown on the Stale Moves Mechanic

If you are a competitive player, chances are you know about stale moves. This mechanic reduces the damage of a move the more you use it. More specifically, the game keeps a list o...

Nerfs/Buffs in Smash 4: Kill %'s before and After

After getting hooked on the new smash 4 calculator, I decided to see just how much Cloud's 1% up air nerf really hurt him. When I saw how big of a difference it made, I decided to ...

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