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Vermanubis Blog Posts

SmashConceptions: A Baseline for Learning in Ultimate

SmashConceptions: A Baseline for Learning in Ultimate...

SmashConceptions: The Deeper Meaning of Winning

SmashConceptions: The Deeper Meaning of Winning...

SmashConceptions: Grinding Gets You Nowhere

SmashConceptions: Grinding Gets You Nowhere...

The Importance (or Lack Thereof) of Relative Reaction Time

Folk knowledge in unavoidable in any community. One such piece of folk knowledge in the Smash community -- and presumably most competitive gaming communities -- revolves around the...

A Truly Complete Knowledge (Learning MUs properly)

The obvious can, and frequently does, escape us. Turns out the “obvious” isn’t quite as obvious as we like to say. We play MUs over and over -- even with potentia...

Speaking in Smash Tongues (The Ladder to Progress)

With the exception of those raised as feral children, we all speak a language; even those of us to whom our own native language and how we acquired it is still a mystery have some ...

Numbers and Names (The Fallacy in Data and Name Recognition)

I regularly post these and things like these on my Twitter, as well as other Smash stuff: there’s ultimately no concrete way to d...

In Pursuit of Ghosts (Fighting the Player vs. Fighting the Character)

I regularly post these and things similar to them on my Twitter: VermanubisSo, you put in the time to learn a MU. Whether it was because you had someone handy who just happene...

A Player Is Not without Honor Except in His Own Town (The Hometown Effect)

My Twitter, if you feel like getting updates on new blogs and other things: said to them, "A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, a...

Memorandum Magi #1 (The Warlock's Memo)

My name is Vermanubis and I'm considered (for some reason) one of the top 3 (worst) Ganons in the cosmos.Truth be told, I've never really been a "student" of Smash. At least, not u...

The Lines Aren't Going to Read Between Themselves [Smash Grammar Pt.2]

This is a single section from a short series of essays on how to improve. The goal behind these essays is to demonstrate that the process of improvement is multifaceted, defin...

Purposeful Play in a Leaky Liferaft

 This is a single section from a short series of essays on how to improve. The goal behind these essays is to demonstrate that the process of improvement is multifaceted,...

Schrödinger's Warlock: A Boot Between Worlds

Ganon is an exceptionally unique character. He's routinely cited as among the worst -- sometimes the worst. Though it's hard to argue otherwise, this somehow gives most o...

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