Wi-fi Warrior Rank v2: #31-40

The Wi-fi Warrior Rank is a top 50 ranking devoted to the online Smash 4 scene, a global community where hundreds, perhaps thousands of unique players throw down and show their skills every day. For this v2 season, we've collected data from nine series spanning from July to this November, and we're releasing our top 50 in time to go full-force into the new Smash Bros. Ultimate! Read here for more information on the Wi-fi Warrior Rank and the weeklies that contribute to it, and join the Wi-fi Warrior Central discord to stay updated on its release.
The top 50 will be unveiled in groups of 10 every other day starting on Tuesday, November 27th. Stay tuned to SSBWorld.com to make sure you don’t miss any of the reveals!
- Tuesday, Nov 27th @ 7:45 PM EDT: #41-50
- Thursday, Nov 29th @ 6:00 PM EDT: #31-40
- Saturday, Dec 1 @ TBA: #21-30
- Monday, Dec 3 @ TBA: #11-20
- Wednesday, Dec 5 @ TBA: #1-10
Please note that the results outlined in the graphics and paragraphs are not the full extent of the WWR's data. So long as a placing or win occurred at a tournament included in the ranking, it is represented in the full WWR data and properly contributed to the final product.
Becoming one of Wi-fi’s fiercest players over the course of the season, Raza rockets to 40th place to cap off a great year. A top 8 fixture in many series, one of Raza’s best nights came at Smash Station 105. There, he took out Chusam, KenryckYT, and double-eliminated Ij - that was good enough for first place. Zaxel, Blank, and Frawg were among the other wins he got during the season, all of them impressive. It’s hard to overlook a rise as meteoric as Raza’s, especially now that it’s resulted in his first ever WWR showing.
Glug came into the season with guns blazing, making a statement to remind the crowd of what he’s capable of. He took silver at the major SL Monthly 11, as well as winning Smash Station 102 toward the beginning of the year. At the latter, he delivered a spectacular losers’ run after losing early to Zane; he blew through Lem0nade, KenryckYT, and Rax, before finishing his night by double-eliminating Zane in the runback. He’s a master of many characters and a Wi-fi veteran, so don’t you dare underrate Glug - he’ll find a ton of ways to make you pay for it.
R.O.B. isn’t a simple character to master, but Ez makes it look… well, easy. With his talents already earning him the #21 spot on the Mexican Smash 4 power rankings, he cashed in big on Wi-fi, winning a Smash Bash and placing top three in five total WWR events. His list of player wins is just as impressive; he topped Urameshi, Zaxel, Zenkai, Joxon, and more this season. The pink R.O.B. might fly under the radar for some, but every time he plays, he’ll show you that beating him is no easy feat.
While he fell a good amount from his 7th place finish last season, Rax still made his presence known this season, in fewer tournaments than many of his contemporaries. Famous for his patience and rock-solid defensive game, he KO’ed his way into 4th place at what would become an A-tier FWN, and 2nd place at Smash Station 96. Despite his drop in the rankings, his +24 X-factor proves he’s still very feared by players and organizers alike, and all signs seem to say he’s still got that #7 in him. He’ll go into Ultimate as one of the most interesting players to watch in the new, aggressive game engine, but he’ll go down as one of the most feared Macs ever to punch in his NNID.
Simon nearly missed out on the attendance requirement for this season’s WWR, but one more result at One More Game locked him into the #36 spot for the year. Like last season, he made most of his money at the Smashurai series, securing 13th place at both of their early-season majors. Coupled with his 17th place at OMG and another top 8 finish at Eclipse, he made the most of the minimum this season. Simon’s season lacked the first-place, Icymist-defeating peaks of the WWRv1, but it was more than good enough to land him on the rankings for the second straight season. For now, Simon remains as one of the most highly-regarded players on Wi-fi, and for very good reasons.
Formerly known as Mai, Spirit returns from last season’s rankings with another excellent season. As far as the WWRv2 goes, Spirit’s season stands out; he’s the first player on the rankings so far with a result at all six active series, including top 16 at Chemdev Saga and an SSA win. Not only that, but he has six wins on members of the v1 top 20, the most of anyone on the rankings thus far. With such impressive statistics, Spirit ends Smash 4 as a consistent and powerful force in the online scene. Not only that, but chances are he’ll do just fine in Ultimate, too - after all, he’s got a whole game mode named after him. Right?
RosaGetsFit keeps the Bayo train going at 34th place on the WWRv2. He showed up big at the A-tiers of the season, finishing at 5th place at Smashurai’s EVA Monthly and 9th place at Mushroom Kingdom Edition. Such a great record at majors earned him wins against several series’ hidden bosses - YoseFu at Smashurai, Kirb at Eclipse - as well as against prolific players Blank and Le Elinndur. His name might be a little misleading, in that he doesn’t play much of Rosa or Wii Fit. What’s not misleading, however, is his ranking; he earned his spot, and he’ll prove exactly why in bracket.
The season’s biggest rise so far goes to Bernihetero, jumping 13 spots from last season to #33. One of Wi-fi’s best Rosalina players, he solidified his star status with top 8 at two A-tier tournaments this season, as well as overall strong showings across the board. He continued a lopsided record against Rax, winning all three sets they played at WWR events, and also collected victories versus Zaxel, Frawg, and Kury. When he and his Luma take the stage, it’s hardly a fair fight - if you’re not ready to take them on, or you’re gonna get Berned.
After finishing last season as an honorable mention, Ij completes the climb to WWR status with a 32nd place finish. The Southeast’s most dangerous Yoshi displayed remarkable consistency not just at tournaments in general, but at B-tier events. He scored third place at both Flamewave Neo 32 and the major SSA Anniversary Edition, taking down an all-star cast including KenryckYT, Pokelam, and Joxon in the process. He’s equally unafraid to go in hard or run the clock, so be ready for anything when you take on Ij, or suffer a defeat of eggstreme proportions.
Sparg0 emerges on the WWR as one of the most dangerous Clouds in the community. His gold at TVSeries and silver at Flamewave Neo go hand-in-hand with solid top 8 placings across the Wi-fi scene, including at majors such as Smash Station 100: Zenkai Saga. With wins against strong players like Rax, Horse, Le Elinndur, and Zomba, Sparg0 stakes his claim to 31st on the WWR and makes his name as a promising young player to watch in Ultimate.
Congratulations to #31-40 of the Wi-fi Warrior Rank v2! The next reveal comes on Saturday at 1:30 PM EDT with #21-30. The big picture is starting to come into focus, but we've got a long way to go. We'll see all of you in two days to continue the journey!
-The WWR Team
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